OpsCenter is an ideal solution for Public Health incident management. The high configurability of the system and ease of use allows straightforward adaptation of the software to a variety of public health organizations and needs.
Example Screen from Public Health OpsCenter configuration
OpsCenter Public Health Configuration
OpsCenter's Public Health configuration is designed to address the needs of Public Health organization. Specifically:
- Hospital Capacity Management
- Disease/Injury Surveillance
- Mass Casualty Coordination and Care
- Mass Vaccination Management
- Outbreak Investigation
- RHC Restoration - (Routine Health Care Restoration)
A non-technical person can configure OpsCenter to their organization's model for public health planning and response to situations. Configuring from a traditional emergency management model includes adjusting:
- Terminology
- Resources
- Organizational structure
- Processes
- Checklists
- Other aspects
The system provides current information about the resources, actions, processes, and other aspects essential to managing and controlling the situation. When using OpsCenter for regional coordination (for example among counties), each county public health department manages its own incidents, resources, actions, and so forth. In addition, the system provides for regional coordination of the response effort by counties where appropriate, including the allocation of resources.
Common Uses of the Public Health Configuration
The following activities are typical uses of OpsCenter for public health incidents:
- Track and Manage Hospital Capacities
- Manage contact information including individual credentials
- Manage information about public health incidents and impacts
- Manage and track message traffic by public health departments
- Manage requests at various organizational levels
- Manage actions taking place
- Manage and track resources to include costs for cost reimbursement
- Manage procurement and track costs for reimbursement
- Reflect methodology, checklists, and pre-defined actions relevant to each organization
- Coordinate county-to-county, county-to-region, region-to-county